3 Considerations for Getting Water from a Bore on Your Property Tested

29 October 2018
Business, Blog

Groundwater is an important resource for people living in farming and rural areas, especially if you're using it for livestock and other personal purposes. But it's important to understand that groundwater isn't treated and may actually be unfit for human consumption. You may need to get the water from the bore on your property tested regularly to ensure the safety of everyone who comes into contact with it. It's important to consider these reasons to get water from a bore on your property tested.
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Why You Should Use a Professional for All Your Jewellery Repair Needs

12 June 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

If you own any type of jewellery that needs cleaning or repairs, you want to avoid doing this work yourself. Store-bought cleaning fluids and cloths and even an online tutorial cannot substitute for the expertise of a professional jeweller. Note why you should always leave jewellery repair to professionals for any piece of jewellery you own, but especially for something very expensive and very intricate. Holders The stones added to fine jewellery are usually kept in place by small holders that are often more delicate than you might realize.
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Free Up Your Cupboard Space and Start Ewaste Recycling

13 March 2018
 Categories: Business, Blog

The pace of technological advance keeps growing, and your business needs to keep up. The IT equipment you bought only a few years ago will soon need to be upgraded or replaced. When the time comes to replace your obsolete IT equipment, what are you going to do with it? You can't store all your surplus laptops, cell phones and printers forever; you have to dispose of them somewhere rather than leave them to clutter up your store rooms and cupboards.
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About Me
Do You Want to Be the Best in Business?

Hello! My name is Walt and I would like to invite you to read my new blog. I have been thinking about starting this blog for a long time but I wanted to be sure that it would be of value to people who were looking to start they own business. I am not a businessman myself, but I have worked for many large private companies. In researching this blog, I have spoken to the owners of small and medium-sized businesses. This has given me an invaluable insight into how businesses succeed. I hope you find my blog useful and entertaining.
